Sundays at 2:00PM- March 13th, 20th, 27th, and April 3rd
The Lounge Theater
6201 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles California 90038
$20 Full Price
$15 – Group Rate of four or more
$15 – Seniors, Students, Single Parents
Buy Tickets Online Here
Don’t want to buy tickets online?
Call (310) 308-0947 to reserve now.
$10- KPFK Member Discount. Phone orders only, use code KPFK2011 and present your KPFK member card at the box office.
Three Minutes of She’s History!….

Amy Simon is congresswoman Bella Abzug.
Why Do We Know More About
Paris Hilton
Abigail Adams?
What Do Bloomers and Play Dates
Legos and Legislation
Homework and Housework
Have In Common?
Amy Simon is a Mom On A Mission

Mom watching Nancy Pelosi, first female Speaker of the House, making her acceptance speech.
When her ten-year-old daughter came home from school one March stating she was planning on doing her women’s history project on Cher…
Writer/Performer/Cultural Herstorian Amy Simon knew something needed to be done.
Using theater, history, multi-media, audience interaction, and good old-fashioned story telling,
She’s History is chock full of stories, scenes and revelations;
true tales of fabulous females, then and now.
Going back and forth from the past to the present, poignantly and comically (her trademark) our Modern Mom finds the funny
as she struggles with raising girls in today’s challenging world.
Watch Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony multi-task,
just like today’s mom – running the house, fixing dinner and
corralling the kids, all while working on the Fourteenth Amendment.
See and hear about Bella Abzug, Shirley Chisholm and Sojourner Truth, Maria Shriver, Eleanor Roosevelt and Golda Meir, Bloomers, Suffrage, Maternal Profiling, Seneca Falls, Abolition and more!
It’s all there in a fast paced hour long GALA-PALOOZA
Honoring Female America!
From the mom who brought you…Cheerios In My Underwear (
which holds the record
as the longest running solo show in Los Angeles….
She’s History! in NEW YORK
As part of the Mamapalooza Mama Expo
Tuesday May 24th
The Drilling Company
West 78th Street