Jan 042014
BLOG – Women of 2013
“The main problem, is me being a female.”
“Women who drive cars could cause damage to their ovaries and pelvises and they are at risk of having children born with ‘clinical problems.'”
Looking back on 2013, here are just a FEW Fabulous Females who inspired, empowered and made a difference by standing up, speaking out, and ultimately making our lives better.
This Pakastani sixteen year old, addressed the United Nations in July, is the youngest person to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, has a book and campaign “I Am Malala”, and might end up running her country. Her journey began at eleven years old when she began blogging for the BBC about life under the Taliban (the religious militant group of men from Afghanistan and Pakistan who do not believe girls or women should be educated or have rights). When she was fourteen years old, the Taliban shot her in the head while on her school van. She was taken to England where she MIRACULOUSLY recovered. Her whole family moved there as well (her father is an educator and great inspiration and supporter) and Malala returned to school, continuing her education. This year she went on a tour of sorts, which included charming John Stewart on The Daily Show so much he wanted to adopt her. On a visit to The Oval Office, she also told President Obama to STOP using drones (one of her causes), and was up for Time Magazine Person Of The Year but lost to the Pope. “Let us pick up our books and our pens. They are our most powerful weapons.” http://www.malala-yousafzai.com
The Senior Democratic Senator from Massachusetts, former Harvard Law Professor, mom and author is a true representative of the people. She called out and told off corporate America, the banks, (including introducing legislation to make student loan rates the same as the banks; “Let’s give students the same great deal the banks get”) fights for income equality, minimum wage, expanding social security, cutting the military budget (using that money for education) increase taxing the rich, and a ton of other causes that will improve the lives of everyday Americans. “I’m really concerned that too big to fail has become too big to jail. That just seems wrong to me.” http://elizabethwarren.com
The Texas Trail-Blazing Fifty Year Old Senator (who was a nineteen year old Single Mom) stood on her feet for almost almost eleven hours, filibustering to defeat a bill that would close a load of abortion clinics (leaving only FIVE OPEN!) in that giant state. She couldn’t and didn’t use a bathroom, eat, drink, talk off-topic or lean against furniture. This Harvard Law School graduate is now running for Governor. “People are hungry for leadership that’s not afraid of political consequence.” Watch it and her here…
New York Senator and Democrat Gillibrand and California Congresswoman and Democrat Speier went to bat for the twenty-five year long despicable untenable and UNBELIEVABLE crisis of sexual assault in the military. Said Gillibrand “…sexual violence is reported to be the leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder among women veterans”. Once you watch this and learn what’s been going you will become incredulous and outraged. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqM6-Upn2V4
And speaking of Sexual Assault In The Military – it was this Fabulous Female who brought so much attention to the crisis by producing the Oscar nominated documentary “The Invisible War”. http://invisiblewarmovie.com
Women in Corporate America….disgraceful with only 4.4 percent of Fortune 500 CEO jobs going to the gals!!! Absolutely unacceptable. Ms. Sandberg is trying to change it. This Mom and Harvard Graduate with many male mentors is the COO of Facebook. She published her book Lean In and created her campaign Leanin.org which inspires and empowers girls and women to be more assertive and LEAN IN to their ambitions and goals and not let anyone or anything hold them back. She is controversial for saying things such as: “Until women are as ambitious as men, they’re not gong to achieve as much as men.” But I am a big fan of her message: “Believe in yourself and negotiate for yourself. Own your own success. I’d like to see where boys and girls end up if they get equal encouragement – I think we might have some differences in how leadership is done.” http://leanin.org
Another Female Corporate (and controversial) Trailblazer, she is President and CEO of Yahoo. Our young girls NEED to see women in these roles.
DROVE right through the automotive industry’s glass ceiling as the first female CEO of General Motors. Major Trail-Blazing!
ChairPERSON of the United States Federal Reserve – First Female for the big job.
Super cool on line digital platform filled with inspiring, empowering and IMPORTANT true stories of Fabulous Females who make America, developed by PBS and AOL.
Two Fabulous Females who produced and directed this heartbreaking documentary about hunger in America…. http://www.catalyst-films.com/film-tv/place-table/
Is a Fabulous Female Filmmaker, mom and feminist who wrote and produced Feminist Stories From Women’s Liberation, a documentary covering the women’s movement from 1963-1970. Why? “One day in 2004 I watched a segment of “Meet the Press” where five men were discussing how to overturn Roe v. Wade. I thought, ‘Where are the women?’ The next day I talked about it with a co-worker and she leaned over and whispered, “Are you a feminist?” http://www.feministstories.com
WOMEN, ACTION MEDIA is an organization that fights for gender justice in America. They led the fight to successfully campaign to remove all misogyny, hate speak and violence against women from Facebook. Just one of their campaigns. Melanie Klein is a writer, speaker and Associate Faculty member at Santa Monica College, teaching Sociology and Women’s Studies. And she is my SHESOURCE sister!
http://www.womenactionmedia.org (http://www.shesource.org)
A singer/songwriter who made headlines by refusing to wear a veil. In Afghanistan. On National Television – as a judge on their version of The Voice. Receiving death threats did not stop this Fabulous Female from making a statement and risking her life. “The main problem, is me being a female. For a woman, anything she does in Afghanistan is a problem.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC-hjI0xRQY
“Women who drive cars could cause damage to their ovaries and pelvises and they are at risk of having children born with ‘clinical problems,'” said a leading Saudi cleric. Of course! THAT explains MY two teenage daughters’ behavior! Oy!!!! But a bunch of incredibly courageous Fabulous Saudi Females drove anyway on October 26th. Five were arrested and “dealt with accordingly” (what does THAT mean???). Saudi Arabia is the only country in the whole wide world that does not allow women to drive.
Like I said, just a few fab females doing what they can for equality and social justice.
Happy 2014 Everyone. Get out and vote! The Midterm Elections are really important this year.
UPCOMING SHOWS: March is Women’s History Month!
Sunday March 16th at 7:00PM
Presented by Carla and Leigh McCloskey, whose beautiful private home called OLANDAR is an event venue, filled with amazing art. Come a little early and enjoy the exhibit before the show.
Donation: $20.00
Location: Olandar, home of Carla and Leigh McCloskey in Malibu, CA
RSVP as space is limited.
For address, more information and RSVP: Please email carlamccloskey@aol.com or call, 310-457-5398
2730 Historic Decatur Rd. Barracks 16
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 233-7963
Saturday March 15th at 7:00PM
Sunday March 16th at 3:00PM
Don’t forget to listen to my Fabulous Female Facts every Thursday on Nicole Sandler’s http://radioornot.com/. I am on at 8:20AM Thursday mornings. (You can listen to the podcasts which are archived) and – as always – get your Women’s History on with http://sheshistory.com/. Here are a few photos of my year highlights. (I’m better in front of the camera than behind it….)

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor in Los Angeles at a
Writer’s Bloc event for her book “My Beloved World”

New York City read through for the Coalition Against Trafficking In Women
with Alberto Bonillo (Frederick Douglass) and Stacey Robertson, Author
“Hearts Beating For Liberty”

Venice, California – Mother’s Day at the theater.
Left to right: My twenty year old daughter Rose (Journalism Major), my long time friend Donna Walker of KPFK Pacifica Radio and my Uber Fab Playwright/Author/Columnist/Actor/Self Defense Advocate friend Ellen Snortland.
[…] but learned more and were blown away by her story. Read all about her in my BLOG – WOMEN OF 2013 here. Malala is all over this horrific heartbreaking mind blowing story of Boko Haram, the Islamic […]