Nov 112013

What happened in October 2013?

Well, aside from the government shutting down, fabulous females have been working hard to to enlighten our youth.

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenager shot by the Taliban for wanting an education AND the youngest person nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize – addressed the United Nations on October 11th –  International Day of the Girl Child.  Read all about it her “I Am Malala” book  and campaign:


I am continuing my own share of enlightening! On Saturday November 9th I performed SHE’S HISTORY! for GIRLTOPIA – the Girl Scouts Teen Summit at The Los Angeles Convention Center.

I was and am SO inspired by Jennifer Lee’s amazing moving important documentary FEMINIST STORIES FROM WOMEN’S LIBERATION.   Our girls – and boys – do not know what the Equal Rights Amendment is, so I told the lovely girls at the show ALL about the ERA EDUCATION PROJECT ( and then turned them on to Alice Paul – who wrote it in 1921.

They THOUGHT they knew what feminism is (defined by Merriam-Webster as the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities; organized activity in support of women’s rights and interests), so I showed ’em what a Feminist looks like:

But some of them knew about Sojourner Truth and Malala Yousafzai and it was so very cool chatting after with a bunch of young excited feminists! They really give me hope. One of the girls is dead set on becoming President. Here is what she wrote in my Comments Book:

Thank you for inspiring me! I hope to see you at my inauguration parade!


Guess which Girl Scout said it?

This is why I do this!

Who knew there were the Veteran Feminists of America? I didn’t until I went to the conference here in Los Angeles.  My good friend and colleague and uber Fabulous Female Paula Caplan wrote about it here…

So check out what some MORE of my colleagues are doing!

Listen to Fabulous Female Facts every THURSDAY at 8:20AM PST (or podcast anytime) on my fabulous female friend Nicole Sandler’s

And of course, as always, visit

Amy Simon Cultural Herstorian/Playwright/Performer
(310) 308-0947

She’s History!  The Most Dangerous Women In America…Then And Now  is a play and school program about women who make and made history.  



Today’s Fabulous Female Fact: “I would have girls regard themselves not as adjectives but as nouns.”  Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902)   After suffering from “mental hunger and domestic drudgery” this privileged activist mother of seven demanded the right to vote in 1848 at the first Women’s Convention (that she called for and made happen).

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